Last night I let a couple come through from Leeds and take my Tabby Tab Tabs. I couldnt give her the love and attention she deserved. So I had put her on the tinterweb and they found her.
They seemed so excited and I just knew they were perfect to be her new parents. She warmed to them instantly. She was incredibly good for them on the drive home and I think she knew it was a permenant thing. I cried when they left which was to be expected.
She added me on the book of face so I can just update myself when I want. That made things easier. The hard bit was opening the bedroom door and no Tabs to greet me. At least she is in the best place now. Right? God Im so glad Steven bought me baked akaska ice cream to console myself with.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Saturday, 29 September 2012
On the up and up
This hasn't been the awesome year I expected it to be.
To start the year off my friend Ste commited suicide, he obviously wasnt happy but he was a strong minded prankster and there would have been no changing his mind. He will be wherever causing utter havoc though :)
I thought things were picking up as I went from bank staff with autistic adults to full time at a care home near my home. It didnt have the best reputation but I had enough faith in my skills to help improve their reputation. WELL dear readers that balls'd up. I witnessed abuse and it was not only my responsibility to the residents but under national law I have to report it. 2 members of staff were suspended and the next week I was let go. What added insult to injury was the day they chose to do it was the funeral of another friend who commited suicide. I thought that was incredibly vindictive and downright cruel. They had prevented me from going and then let me go the same day. Excuse my french but bastards! Their reason for letting me go was due to having too many days off sick. This was actually more crap as my great nana died and I was struggling in the last few months of her life. I took 2 half days which they classed as full days and it could have been compassionate leave. They didnt want to let me go to her funeral either. The day after they let me go though I got my job back as bank with autistic adults with the prospect of a permenant full time job.
So yeah my nana died, I was devastated I took solace knowing she had wanted to go. Also that I saw her a few days before, which with my other grandparents I couldnt do.
Then we found out Josh hung himself in a field across the street from me. That was hard for everyone as most of us saw him in the says leading up to it and he seemed ok. He will be playing LOUD music and get rat arsed with Ste as they did in life.
I celebrated being married for a year to the most amazing man in the world. He puts up with alot from me and he is definitely my last jigsaw piece.
2 of my good friends had babies recently. Jasmine Dana and Leonnard Noah.
We have a mini break to Edinburgh coming up soon for Stevens birthday and to see the german christmas market. With a few of Stevens mates from work and my brother.
Im sure as I try to stay positive things will pick up even more.
To start the year off my friend Ste commited suicide, he obviously wasnt happy but he was a strong minded prankster and there would have been no changing his mind. He will be wherever causing utter havoc though :)
I thought things were picking up as I went from bank staff with autistic adults to full time at a care home near my home. It didnt have the best reputation but I had enough faith in my skills to help improve their reputation. WELL dear readers that balls'd up. I witnessed abuse and it was not only my responsibility to the residents but under national law I have to report it. 2 members of staff were suspended and the next week I was let go. What added insult to injury was the day they chose to do it was the funeral of another friend who commited suicide. I thought that was incredibly vindictive and downright cruel. They had prevented me from going and then let me go the same day. Excuse my french but bastards! Their reason for letting me go was due to having too many days off sick. This was actually more crap as my great nana died and I was struggling in the last few months of her life. I took 2 half days which they classed as full days and it could have been compassionate leave. They didnt want to let me go to her funeral either. The day after they let me go though I got my job back as bank with autistic adults with the prospect of a permenant full time job.
So yeah my nana died, I was devastated I took solace knowing she had wanted to go. Also that I saw her a few days before, which with my other grandparents I couldnt do.
Then we found out Josh hung himself in a field across the street from me. That was hard for everyone as most of us saw him in the says leading up to it and he seemed ok. He will be playing LOUD music and get rat arsed with Ste as they did in life.
I celebrated being married for a year to the most amazing man in the world. He puts up with alot from me and he is definitely my last jigsaw piece.
2 of my good friends had babies recently. Jasmine Dana and Leonnard Noah.
We have a mini break to Edinburgh coming up soon for Stevens birthday and to see the german christmas market. With a few of Stevens mates from work and my brother.
Im sure as I try to stay positive things will pick up even more.
Friday, 28 September 2012
cosy cosy
These are what have been taking up so much of my time my cable knit scarves. Two are going to be christmas presents and the autumny one was made for my friend Cathy and I havent spoken to her much lately but I would like to think she still wants it :)
Thursday, 27 September 2012
my tree decoration
This is my first tree decoration. Its a christmas jumper. Its a fair isle snowflake I think and I'm super impressed with it. As I have never attempted it before.
Right now I'm in a grump. I'm sick of being picked up and then dropped at the blink of an eye. I think if you dont want to be friends with someone tell them. Rather than think they wont notice little things like, not replying, untagging, not talking. I dont deserve that. I do so many things for people self-lessly and I am putting my foot down, your not going to ruin my keeping a smile on my face. I wish sometimes I could be a c*nt and say all the things I bite my tongue about but I'm far too nice.
30/30 infamy or fame?
10 things I would like to be remembered for:
1. How I always try to find at least 1 nice thing about someone.
2. That my one true love was/is/always will be Steven.
3. That I didn't always give up on stuff.
4. How mental I would dance to psychobilly and punk.
5. My love for cooking/baking people things.
6. How I would sit and recite sections from the labyrinth/rocky horror picture show/coraline.
7. I would sing along to the guitar solos better than the actual lyrics.
8. That I would look forward to and plan Christmas all year.
9. I was a good listener when it really mattered.
10. That I was a really loud drunk.
Well we have come to the end of our little series, I hope I haven't bored you and that you have maybe a better insight into who the punk rock housewife really is.
1. How I always try to find at least 1 nice thing about someone.
2. That my one true love was/is/always will be Steven.
3. That I didn't always give up on stuff.
4. How mental I would dance to psychobilly and punk.
5. My love for cooking/baking people things.
6. How I would sit and recite sections from the labyrinth/rocky horror picture show/coraline.
7. I would sing along to the guitar solos better than the actual lyrics.
8. That I would look forward to and plan Christmas all year.
9. I was a good listener when it really mattered.
10. That I was a really loud drunk.
Well we have come to the end of our little series, I hope I haven't bored you and that you have maybe a better insight into who the punk rock housewife really is.
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
29/30 misunderstood
The thing/s people misunderstand about me is my tone of voice/choice of words/what I say.
Firstly my tone of voice doesn't always convey how I actually feel. I could be in pain and I haven't been able to push the pain down before I speak to you. It doesn't mean Im necessarily talking down to you.
Secondly my choice of words aren't always thought out very well, that or I'm just using a 'big' word and I'm not scared of the fact I am articulate and have a wide vocabulary. I don't like dumbing myself down too much.
Thirdly what I say in general. This is a doozy, if you make me paranoid I tend to freak out and just say random stuff. That or I'm clearly not paying enough attention to the conversation.
I try to tell everyone I'm horrible s that when I am a bit of a dick they have been warned, but in all actuality I'm a nice person so don't take what I say to heart.
Firstly my tone of voice doesn't always convey how I actually feel. I could be in pain and I haven't been able to push the pain down before I speak to you. It doesn't mean Im necessarily talking down to you.
Secondly my choice of words aren't always thought out very well, that or I'm just using a 'big' word and I'm not scared of the fact I am articulate and have a wide vocabulary. I don't like dumbing myself down too much.
Thirdly what I say in general. This is a doozy, if you make me paranoid I tend to freak out and just say random stuff. That or I'm clearly not paying enough attention to the conversation.
I try to tell everyone I'm horrible s that when I am a bit of a dick they have been warned, but in all actuality I'm a nice person so don't take what I say to heart.
craft madness!!!!
I inherited my great nana's knitting stuff the other day. Which made Steven both happy and sad. Haha. Happy because I now have a needle case and knitting bag but sad due to the fact I have more knitting stuff! To make him happier about this event I have done a little sorting.
I went from this :
To this - all neatly put away, I separated it into sections of size, type, pairs, material. I don't knit with plastic or rubber. For a lady who couldn't get the hang of crochet she had a flipping load! I feel happier knowing that I have her needles and they aren't getting thrown away.
I went from this :
To this - all neatly put away, I separated it into sections of size, type, pairs, material. I don't knit with plastic or rubber. For a lady who couldn't get the hang of crochet she had a flipping load! I feel happier knowing that I have her needles and they aren't getting thrown away.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
must read for couples
I wholeheartedly believe everyone in a marriage or relationship should read this!
It perfectly sums up how to keep your marriage etc going strong. I found it on duh duh duuuuhhh pinterest last night and fell in love with it.
It thoroughly made sense to me and is surprisingly not that far off how Steven and I act with each other anyway. I read out #3 to Steven last night and he gave me some smart allick comment with a smirk about my cleaning. I have very much so a f*ck it attitude to cleaning, if it doesnt look dirty or messy and it's not going to cause a bacterial war zone in my home then I'm fine with a little mess. Steven on the other hand isn't!
It perfectly sums up how to keep your marriage etc going strong. I found it on duh duh duuuuhhh pinterest last night and fell in love with it.
It thoroughly made sense to me and is surprisingly not that far off how Steven and I act with each other anyway. I read out #3 to Steven last night and he gave me some smart allick comment with a smirk about my cleaning. I have very much so a f*ck it attitude to cleaning, if it doesnt look dirty or messy and it's not going to cause a bacterial war zone in my home then I'm fine with a little mess. Steven on the other hand isn't!
my fail proof pastry!
I make my own shortcrust pastry and have done for a few years now after I realised how freaking easy it is!
All you need is:
55g butter
125g plain flour
salt and pepper
Mix your butter, seasoning and flour together to resemble breadcrumbs. Slowly add water and mix till it comes together like a dough. You don't want it too dry or too we. Once you have your dough right wrap it in clingfilm and leave it in the fridge for at least an hour this makes it pliable.After the hour your ready to roll it out and use it for your pies or quiches.
My first ever quiche, made loads since will post recipe later.
I add herbs or spices such as chilli flakes to my pastry but its really up to you. This is what's left of my corned beef and potato pie...never lasts.
All you need is:
55g butter
125g plain flour
salt and pepper
Mix your butter, seasoning and flour together to resemble breadcrumbs. Slowly add water and mix till it comes together like a dough. You don't want it too dry or too we. Once you have your dough right wrap it in clingfilm and leave it in the fridge for at least an hour this makes it pliable.After the hour your ready to roll it out and use it for your pies or quiches.
My first ever quiche, made loads since will post recipe later.
I add herbs or spices such as chilli flakes to my pastry but its really up to you. This is what's left of my corned beef and potato pie...never lasts.
28/30 love language
I had to look up what 'love language' is and mine is 'words of affirmation'
I love telling Steven that I love him and why I love him.
I do it to my friends as well I would like to think that even though I suck at keeping in touch with people the things I say make them realise that they are always in my thoughts.
I love to be told that I'm loved, sometimes I wish I was told why I'm loved but I don't expect people too.
I love telling Steven that I love him and why I love him.
I do it to my friends as well I would like to think that even though I suck at keeping in touch with people the things I say make them realise that they are always in my thoughts.
I love to be told that I'm loved, sometimes I wish I was told why I'm loved but I don't expect people too.
Monday, 24 September 2012
perfect yorkshire puds!
Seeing as I'm yorkshire and very proud of this fact I thought I would share my recipe with all you lovely readers :)
yorkshire puddings
1/2 pint of milk
115g of plain flour
3 eggs
fat of your choice
Heres how you make them!
Turn the oven on high around 200C. Get your pudding tray and and your fat into the holes. I use beef dripping or lard, but you can use oil. The trick is to get your oil super hot. Put the tray in the oven. Mix all the other ingredients in a bowl. You can add wholegrain mustard, rosemary or hendersons relish. Mix well and let settle for about 10 mins or so then pour into the tray, put back in the oven for 30 mins. They must go in an empty oven to rise better too.
yorkshire puddings
1/2 pint of milk
115g of plain flour
3 eggs
fat of your choice
Heres how you make them!
Turn the oven on high around 200C. Get your pudding tray and and your fat into the holes. I use beef dripping or lard, but you can use oil. The trick is to get your oil super hot. Put the tray in the oven. Mix all the other ingredients in a bowl. You can add wholegrain mustard, rosemary or hendersons relish. Mix well and let settle for about 10 mins or so then pour into the tray, put back in the oven for 30 mins. They must go in an empty oven to rise better too.
27/30 body parts
Todays question is whats your favourite body part and why.
I'm presuming just saying my eyes is a cop out so uhm probably my boobs I am not ashamed to say! I have fairly big boobs and I love how womanly they makr me look and feel. Even if some styles of tops now make me look peegnant ir fat from the way they hang!
I'm presuming just saying my eyes is a cop out so uhm probably my boobs I am not ashamed to say! I have fairly big boobs and I love how womanly they makr me look and feel. Even if some styles of tops now make me look peegnant ir fat from the way they hang!
Sunday, 23 September 2012
a pinterest favourite
As we all know I am a bit addicted to pinterest!
My favourite food pin so far is a rice and chicken casserole. I have had to update it as we dont seem to sell wild rice where I live and we dont like celery!
But here it is my version!
Preheat oven to 180 C. Prepare your rice as per cooking instructions on the pack. We use boil in the bag rice which I whack in the microwave. Chop mushrooms, onions and carrots and fry them with a bit of hendersons relish. Cube some chicken and add to the frying pan with some tomato paste. Start making a cheese sauce, this isn't how I normally do cheese sauce but it works really well for this dish. Put some butter and equals amounts of flour into a pan and cook together, season well, I add some English mustard too. Once the mixture has melted and thickened again add some cold water just a little at a time and whisk, keep going till its the amount and consistency you want. Start adding grated cheese into your mixture and stir till its melted. Now your rice should be done, add your rice to the frying pan and cook off until you feel your sauce is ready. Pour the sauce over the rice and make sure its evenly coated. Put in an oven proof dish and bake for 30 minutes. Then serve!
My favourite food pin so far is a rice and chicken casserole. I have had to update it as we dont seem to sell wild rice where I live and we dont like celery!
But here it is my version!
26/30 you are soo like totally wrong.
Todays question is what notion that is believed by the world but I think is wrong. Well I have to be honest here I have just googled popular world notions as I cant think of any but all I got is science and maths crap. but as I write this I have two!
The first is I always believed people when they said oh nothing good comes from a broken home. I always presumed that if your parents werent together you didnt have the well rounded discipline and love from the family unit as a group. I want to lay that notion to rest. My husband was raised by his mother and he is respectful, clean, tidy, helpful and caring. In fact his three brothers are exactly the same. Now it doesnt always mean they are going to be like my in laws, but there is a good chance they are.
The second is since when is skinny attractive? As a lover of the fifties I have noticed they were all curvy not sticks. Now I need to tone up but I dont need to lose weight. I like having an hour glass figure and big boobs, makes me feel sexy. Every guy I have gone out with has whinged that skinny girls aren't nice to have sex with or hug as they are just skin and bones.
The first is I always believed people when they said oh nothing good comes from a broken home. I always presumed that if your parents werent together you didnt have the well rounded discipline and love from the family unit as a group. I want to lay that notion to rest. My husband was raised by his mother and he is respectful, clean, tidy, helpful and caring. In fact his three brothers are exactly the same. Now it doesnt always mean they are going to be like my in laws, but there is a good chance they are.
The second is since when is skinny attractive? As a lover of the fifties I have noticed they were all curvy not sticks. Now I need to tone up but I dont need to lose weight. I like having an hour glass figure and big boobs, makes me feel sexy. Every guy I have gone out with has whinged that skinny girls aren't nice to have sex with or hug as they are just skin and bones.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
25/30 dead dining!
If I could eat with someone from history, who would I choose? What would I eat and why?
This is actually quite hard as there are so many people I would eat with that has passed away.
I think I would go for someone famous rather then friends and family purely because I have too many questions for those Ive known and loved. But out of them I would want to meet my dads sister who passed when he was a teenager, my grandad and his dad, my grandad so I can tell him how much I love him and how hard his illness affected me and how he has changed my life, his dad as he died just after my nanna and grandad got together.Last but not least, Ste and Josh my friends that committed suicide I would ask them why and was it what they really wanted, and I would let them know how they are always in our thoughts and our friends group lost the two biggest comedians going and we will never be the same again.
I have always been drawn to one woman in history and not many people know who she is. Lady Jane Grey was queen of England before she was killed by Bloody Mary aka Mary I. She died at the age of 16/17 she was married too. She refused to name her husband as king but gave him the title of duke. So she was pretty up on girl power! She didnt agree with hunting as she preferred arts and crafts and reading. I would talk to her about her studies and why she felt constricted by them due to her parents, as I went through the same with my dad. I would ask her about being Queen of England albeit a short time. Why she chose not to have her husband as king.
I would take her to a quaint bistro as a contrast to the feasts she may have been used to. We would have croissants and hot chocolate and just natter away.
This is actually quite hard as there are so many people I would eat with that has passed away.
I think I would go for someone famous rather then friends and family purely because I have too many questions for those Ive known and loved. But out of them I would want to meet my dads sister who passed when he was a teenager, my grandad and his dad, my grandad so I can tell him how much I love him and how hard his illness affected me and how he has changed my life, his dad as he died just after my nanna and grandad got together.Last but not least, Ste and Josh my friends that committed suicide I would ask them why and was it what they really wanted, and I would let them know how they are always in our thoughts and our friends group lost the two biggest comedians going and we will never be the same again.
I have always been drawn to one woman in history and not many people know who she is. Lady Jane Grey was queen of England before she was killed by Bloody Mary aka Mary I. She died at the age of 16/17 she was married too. She refused to name her husband as king but gave him the title of duke. So she was pretty up on girl power! She didnt agree with hunting as she preferred arts and crafts and reading. I would talk to her about her studies and why she felt constricted by them due to her parents, as I went through the same with my dad. I would ask her about being Queen of England albeit a short time. Why she chose not to have her husband as king.
I would take her to a quaint bistro as a contrast to the feasts she may have been used to. We would have croissants and hot chocolate and just natter away.
Since Monday I've been wanting to make brownies they are Stevens favourite wait that isnt true its pancakes but I cant stand them! But anyway he does love my brownies, they are soft and gooey and really chocolately. I used to use a box mixture purely because of ease then the chef at work gave me his recipe and its perfect well I have had to tweak the cooking times but now its perfect and as I'm so nice I'm going to share it with you all!
Tink's Brownies
2 large eggs
8oz sugar
2oz butter - melted
3oz plain flour
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt

Whisk the eggs and sugar until creamy, then pour in the melted butter and vanilla. mix thoroughly. Sieve the cocoa powder, flour, salt and baking powder into the mixture then fold gently. Put in a greased tin and bake for 30 minutes at 180 C.
Couldn' t be any easier! You could drizzle chocolate on top or add nuts when you add the flour.
If you try it let me know if it works for you!
Tink's Brownies
2 large eggs
8oz sugar
2oz butter - melted
3oz plain flour
3 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt

Whisk the eggs and sugar until creamy, then pour in the melted butter and vanilla. mix thoroughly. Sieve the cocoa powder, flour, salt and baking powder into the mixture then fold gently. Put in a greased tin and bake for 30 minutes at 180 C.
Couldn' t be any easier! You could drizzle chocolate on top or add nuts when you add the flour.
If you try it let me know if it works for you!
A most fabulous year
Well this is now 4/5 days late but as of last monday (17/9/2012) Steven and I have been married a year! I am still as happy as the day we first got together and I have never regretted being with him once and I hope that never changes. I got flowers a lovely card and an eternity ring!

OK so I bet your wondering what we did?
We went back to the place where we had our reception which was the Romanby Golf Club and went to the driving range which Steven has been trying to get me to do for ages. I actually enjoyed it! It took me awhile to get into the 'swing' of things haha excuse the pun.
So here's Steven and myself at the driving range. I was apparently putting Steven off whilst trying to take a photo of him. He however was threatening to take a video of me and I was getting annoyed lol.
We then got suited and booted and went for a meal at the Shorthorn in Appleton Wiske.
I didn't take photos of our starters purely because we were starving and had tucked in pretty much the instance they were put down in front of us. However Steven had breaded garlic mushrooms and I had a trio of fried cheese and a cumberland sauce (brie, camenbert and goats cheese)
For our main courses Steven had half a duck with a port, redcurrant and cranberry sauce.I had fillet of beef with braised asparagus in a mushroom, whiskey and chestnut sauce. Which I did get photos of this time!!
This was Stevens handy fork holder while he was trying to rip off as much duck as he could without the fork flinging across the room. Below is my pile of mushrooms, I like the flavour mushrooms give but I cant stand the texture of them!
We shared a dessert which was delicious! Minus the kiwi which I'm fairly allergic too. We had warm chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce and coconut ice cream. It was amazing.
This was the only photo we got of the both of us and its's not very good but when your taking photos of yourselves they never are. Let alone when its one of them stupid touch screen buttons not one on the side!

Friday, 21 September 2012
24/30 family
This one seems a bit confusing to me. Compare the dynamics of my family from childhood to how it is now.
Well as a kid my family was close, we would eat meals together go for camping holidays with my cousins (there's a lot of us), every Friday night we would have tea at my grandparents. at Christmas and new year we would alternate whether we had dinner at our house or our grandparents.
Now I very rarely see my parents or my Nanna. Except my Nanna I don't even really hear from them. Unless I get in touch with them. I only see my nephew if I go round to my parents on a day he is there. My brother I only hear about cos Steven works with him. Even my in laws who I see more than my own family are the same they do a lot more as a family but its a case of we go to them or we invite them for tea. Not that I mind I like having people round for tea.
Well as a kid my family was close, we would eat meals together go for camping holidays with my cousins (there's a lot of us), every Friday night we would have tea at my grandparents. at Christmas and new year we would alternate whether we had dinner at our house or our grandparents.
Now I very rarely see my parents or my Nanna. Except my Nanna I don't even really hear from them. Unless I get in touch with them. I only see my nephew if I go round to my parents on a day he is there. My brother I only hear about cos Steven works with him. Even my in laws who I see more than my own family are the same they do a lot more as a family but its a case of we go to them or we invite them for tea. Not that I mind I like having people round for tea.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
23/30 hobbies hobbies hobbies
My 5 favourite hobbies and why I love them.
1. Cooking - cooking helps me destress, takes my mind off all the daily crap that we all go through. It makes me feel more house wifey.
2. Knitting - I love knitting it makes me feel more creative and I like having something permanant as its something to keep. They also make fantastic presents.
3. Gardening - I enjoy knowing that I am growing my own food. I like knowing where my food comes from.
4. Baking - Im not fantastic at the decorating but I am a fan of the cakes I make!
5. My xbox - I am a fairly big gamer, I dont know why but I just love it. My favourite games are the fallout series.
1. Cooking - cooking helps me destress, takes my mind off all the daily crap that we all go through. It makes me feel more house wifey.
2. Knitting - I love knitting it makes me feel more creative and I like having something permanant as its something to keep. They also make fantastic presents.
3. Gardening - I enjoy knowing that I am growing my own food. I like knowing where my food comes from.
4. Baking - Im not fantastic at the decorating but I am a fan of the cakes I make!
5. My xbox - I am a fairly big gamer, I dont know why but I just love it. My favourite games are the fallout series.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
22/30 5? 10? 15?
Where do I see myself in 5? 10? 15 years time?
Well 5 years time I will be 30. I would like to think that I have either started applying to universities to become a nurse, studying or already become a nurse. I would also like to have a baby with Steven by this time. We will have moved from Yorkshire to somewhere down south due to Steven being in the army. I would like to have a house and make a start on my veg patch.
In 10 years time I will be 35. I want to have definitly have become a nurse. I would like to think I either work as a district nurse, on gastroenterology or an EMI unit. It would be nice if we have two children by now, preferably a boy and a girl. We could even be living abroad by now with Stevens postings taking us anywhere round the world. If setteled I want chickens and a well established veg patch.
In 15 years time I will be 40. <- Gosh if you hadnt have worked that out I would have been worried. I want to definitly be abroad either in canada or somewhere in europe. I would like to have maybe a little knitting e-shop, just selling bits and bobs as I go along. I would like to think I have got a hell of a lot faster by then! Steven and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary too.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
21/30 super powers!
This is dead easy! I would have a teleportation super power like in the film jumper.
The first thing I would do is grab Stevens hand and look at a picture of Jamaica and have a holiday. Infact every day off we had together I would take him somewhere different till we had been everywhere. Pretty boring but that is what I would have and what I would do with it.
The first thing I would do is grab Stevens hand and look at a picture of Jamaica and have a holiday. Infact every day off we had together I would take him somewhere different till we had been everywhere. Pretty boring but that is what I would have and what I would do with it.
Monday, 17 September 2012
My beeeeeaaaaannnsss
My beans are huge! Absolutely amazed at how big they are getting. There are 3 decent sized pods, 5 mini pods and a few more flowers! One pod has even started turning purple!
20/30 childhood memories
Three significant childhood memories.
1. I remember writing a book when I was 5/6 about my teddy bear Frederick. It was sentences saying what we did together with a drawing above it. My great nana made him for a craft contest and won first prize with him. As I was the first born great grandchild he came to me. My brother and sister got jealous one day I was about 11 and they threw him in the bin. I was devastated, I thought I had dropped him somewhere. I only found out this year that that's what they had done.
2. Going fishing with my dad and my grandad, brother and sister. We had gone to a lake somewhere and we knew the basics on how to fish (we weren't allowed to hook the bait mind) so we were left to our own devices. I remember catching a Golden Orf well I think that's what my dad said. But most of my time was spent under my grandads umbrella eating corned beef and tomato sandwiches (food of gods lol).
3. I remember at the age of 7 going to meet a boy in my class, we used to walk together to school. I remember my mam nearly caught me several times and we used to jump into the corn fields and hide they are now a park haha. That boy was my friend throughout school and is now my brother in law! As I ended up marrying his younger brother Steven :)
1. I remember writing a book when I was 5/6 about my teddy bear Frederick. It was sentences saying what we did together with a drawing above it. My great nana made him for a craft contest and won first prize with him. As I was the first born great grandchild he came to me. My brother and sister got jealous one day I was about 11 and they threw him in the bin. I was devastated, I thought I had dropped him somewhere. I only found out this year that that's what they had done.
2. Going fishing with my dad and my grandad, brother and sister. We had gone to a lake somewhere and we knew the basics on how to fish (we weren't allowed to hook the bait mind) so we were left to our own devices. I remember catching a Golden Orf well I think that's what my dad said. But most of my time was spent under my grandads umbrella eating corned beef and tomato sandwiches (food of gods lol).
3. I remember at the age of 7 going to meet a boy in my class, we used to walk together to school. I remember my mam nearly caught me several times and we used to jump into the corn fields and hide they are now a park haha. That boy was my friend throughout school and is now my brother in law! As I ended up marrying his younger brother Steven :)
Sunday, 16 September 2012
19/30 world is my oyster
Well as a proud yorkshire girl I dont really want to live anywhere else as its the most beautiful place on earth.
I would love to live in scotland somewhere in the wilds if the highlands but still close enough to society so I could see my jock pops.
Anywhere in the world however would be canada I would love to live in torronto or ontario purely cos of the names. But no seriously canada looks breath
takingly beautiful, it has a bit of everything like snow, autumn colours, water sports, climbing etc would be amazing.
I would love to live in scotland somewhere in the wilds if the highlands but still close enough to society so I could see my jock pops.
Anywhere in the world however would be canada I would love to live in torronto or ontario purely cos of the names. But no seriously canada looks breath
takingly beautiful, it has a bit of everything like snow, autumn colours, water sports, climbing etc would be amazing.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
18/30 to forgive and forget
The hardest thing I have had to forgive is probably my dad hitting me and making me feel worthless. I got excuse after excuse and things bought for me but it was the need to be loved that kept me holding out on forgiveness. Once I felt that pure love you can only have between father and daughter, all the hate melted away. I cant forget but I have forgiven him. I take less crap off people now, the downside now is when I get frustrated I cry I just cant help myself, this invariably drives me insane.
Friday, 14 September 2012
17/30 greatest thing
One thing I am most great at. I hate that sentence I think its badly worded eurgh.
So lets have a's probably loving people. Even though I can be badly treated I still love the person who has done it, I love my friends and family fiercely. I love Steven more than I have ever known possible. I am immense at loving people. To the point I'm fit to burst. It sounds gay as, but it's the one thing I cant fault myself on.
So lets have a's probably loving people. Even though I can be badly treated I still love the person who has done it, I love my friends and family fiercely. I love Steven more than I have ever known possible. I am immense at loving people. To the point I'm fit to burst. It sounds gay as, but it's the one thing I cant fault myself on.
Weebl and his Lemon
Darren aka Weebl is addicted to lemons, at my wedding he left with like 5 lemon cupcakes and my mam carrying more. When he came down in february for his birthday and Rammstein he had requested that I make him a lemon cake and lemon curd. Now the lemon curd seems to have become a regular thing as he has had me make him some more!
Lemon curd
Juice of 2 lemons
tsp lemon zest
4 egg yolks
1/3 cup of sugar
3 table spoons of butter
Add all the ingredients to a bowl. Place the bowl above a pan of simmering water. Stir almost constantly until thick. You can tell by placing a wooden spoon in the mixture and if it coats the spoon its ready. Put it in a container and let it cool then refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Weebl and Tink's York Adventure
Well I said the other day that my friend was coming down from Edinburgh to see me? He has been and sadly gone. We have had lots of fun.
On Tuesday we went to a little tearoom we enjoyed last time, had a wander round the town, made jam, ate pizza then went to a music quiz.
On Wednesday we went to York, the National Railway Museum, Evil Eye Lounge, Yorkshire Museum, Shambles (Diagon Alley possibly), a weird little bar called dusk I think and played scrabble. Whilst at the railway museum we saw the Hogwarts Express yes yes we did! I squealed a little and very quickly text Steven. Also we saw the Mallard and the Flying Scotsman, which Darren kept shouting "I'm taking it home for my people" saw it in bits then said "I think I need more of my people"
Today Thursday, we lazed around the flat then went to town, had lunch, did some shopping then came home to get his stuff ready and make lemon curd.
These are just some of the photos. I love the one of us two and the one of me under the yorkshire sign. Im a very proud yorkshire girl.
Jam Jam Jam
I decided to make some jam the other day, after finding some cheap jars in Lewis and Coopers. I've been wanting to make some jam forever too so it was just luck.
I decided on blackberry jam as it's my favourite and I decided to make it a wee bit different and caramelise it. This was my first ever attempt at jam too :)
Blackberry Jam
750g blackberries
750g sugar
4table spoon lemon juice
Soften the blackberries on a low heat, till it becomes soft. Mash some of the blackberries so that the juice comes out easier and they don't stick to the pan. Once softened add the juice and sugar. Keep on a low heat until sugar has dissolved. Then rapid boil the jam till setting point has been reached. decant into warm jars and seal off with a wax circle.
That's all I did and mine has turned out fine, I kept mine on rapid boil for a bit longer to caramelise the jam.
I decided on blackberry jam as it's my favourite and I decided to make it a wee bit different and caramelise it. This was my first ever attempt at jam too :)
Blackberry Jam
750g blackberries
750g sugar
4table spoon lemon juice
Soften the blackberries on a low heat, till it becomes soft. Mash some of the blackberries so that the juice comes out easier and they don't stick to the pan. Once softened add the juice and sugar. Keep on a low heat until sugar has dissolved. Then rapid boil the jam till setting point has been reached. decant into warm jars and seal off with a wax circle.
That's all I did and mine has turned out fine, I kept mine on rapid boil for a bit longer to caramelise the jam.
16/30 accomplishments
5 greatest accomplishments
1. Actually passing my GCSEs when I had only been able attend about a year of two.
2. As of monday 17th being married a year.
3. Learning to cook, but not just cook, create and improvise meals. Very little of the meals I cook are jars or packet based.
4. Seeing the majority of my favourite bands. Still got a couple left but I WILL see them!
5. Branching out of my comfort zone and going on holiday by myself. When I was 22 I went to Edinburgh to see some mates I had made on the internet years ago. Darren has come down to see me on various occassions now and Steven and I go up to Edinburgh at least once a year.
1. Actually passing my GCSEs when I had only been able attend about a year of two.
2. As of monday 17th being married a year.
3. Learning to cook, but not just cook, create and improvise meals. Very little of the meals I cook are jars or packet based.
4. Seeing the majority of my favourite bands. Still got a couple left but I WILL see them!
5. Branching out of my comfort zone and going on holiday by myself. When I was 22 I went to Edinburgh to see some mates I had made on the internet years ago. Darren has come down to see me on various occassions now and Steven and I go up to Edinburgh at least once a year.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
15/30 animal instinct
What animal would you be and why?
Well my favourite animal is a panda but I wouldn't want to struggle to procreate and when I successfully do, I don't want to eat my children.
I am always cold but I like the snow so I would probably be a polar bear, due to them living in snowy climes and them having a nice big warm fir coat. Aldo Stevens nickname for me is poly bear.
Well my favourite animal is a panda but I wouldn't want to struggle to procreate and when I successfully do, I don't want to eat my children.
I am always cold but I like the snow so I would probably be a polar bear, due to them living in snowy climes and them having a nice big warm fir coat. Aldo Stevens nickname for me is poly bear.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
14/30 Strengths
5 strengths
1. I know a little about everything so I can talk to anyone about something.
2. I can cook, clearly a strength worth having.
3. I'm a good listener or at least I'm definitly alright at it.
4. I care about people, enough to try and help when I can.
5. I have alot of faith, in nothing particular but I have it in something.
1. I know a little about everything so I can talk to anyone about something.
2. I can cook, clearly a strength worth having.
3. I'm a good listener or at least I'm definitly alright at it.
4. I care about people, enough to try and help when I can.
5. I have alot of faith, in nothing particular but I have it in something.
Monday, 10 September 2012
13/30 weaknesses
5 weaknesses
1. Being unable to not cry when I get angry/frustrated.
2. Being paranoid about what my friends think of me.
3. I wear my heart on my sleeve and get upset too easily.
4. I have a smart mouth that likes to get me into trouble sometimes.
5. I can't take orders from people I think are morons. This doesn't bode well in jobs alot off the time.
1. Being unable to not cry when I get angry/frustrated.
2. Being paranoid about what my friends think of me.
3. I wear my heart on my sleeve and get upset too easily.
4. I have a smart mouth that likes to get me into trouble sometimes.
5. I can't take orders from people I think are morons. This doesn't bode well in jobs alot off the time.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
12/30 my day to day
A day in my current life.
Well, lets look at the days I'm not at work since they are pretty standard 'get up, go to work, come home, go to bed'.
If Steven's on earlies I get woken up at 5.30am by him getting up and giving me a kiss, him telling me he loves me and he will see me when he gets home. I then go back to sleep till around 9am gotta love a lie in. I check my facebook likes it's the daily paper! Check my emails then get up. I check that tabs has enough food and water, I check Marmaduke too. I get something to eat or drink, generally juice as I don't do caffeine unless it's in coca cola (I'm addicted). I then turn either my computer or the tv on. Either way pinterest gets logged into. I decided what crafty thing I'm doing that day and/or if I'm seeing a friend. I get lunch and get something out for tea. Steven has either got home or is leaving for work at 2pm, he does alternate shifts. I carry on with my crafty stuff taking breaks to go back on pinterest and read facebook, check my emails (I sound popular but it's more I don't want all the spam blocking my view of the important ones) I make some tea for myself and Steven. Potter round then go to bed.
Not thrilling I know but at the moment I only work or stay at home (I save money that way). But next week my Jock Pop comes down from Edinburgh for a few days so something exciting may happen!!
Well, lets look at the days I'm not at work since they are pretty standard 'get up, go to work, come home, go to bed'.
If Steven's on earlies I get woken up at 5.30am by him getting up and giving me a kiss, him telling me he loves me and he will see me when he gets home. I then go back to sleep till around 9am gotta love a lie in. I check my facebook likes it's the daily paper! Check my emails then get up. I check that tabs has enough food and water, I check Marmaduke too. I get something to eat or drink, generally juice as I don't do caffeine unless it's in coca cola (I'm addicted). I then turn either my computer or the tv on. Either way pinterest gets logged into. I decided what crafty thing I'm doing that day and/or if I'm seeing a friend. I get lunch and get something out for tea. Steven has either got home or is leaving for work at 2pm, he does alternate shifts. I carry on with my crafty stuff taking breaks to go back on pinterest and read facebook, check my emails (I sound popular but it's more I don't want all the spam blocking my view of the important ones) I make some tea for myself and Steven. Potter round then go to bed.
Not thrilling I know but at the moment I only work or stay at home (I save money that way). But next week my Jock Pop comes down from Edinburgh for a few days so something exciting may happen!!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
bit of paper crafts anyone?
Today I tried something new. I made my amazing husband a wedding anniversary card. On the 17th we have been married a year which is paper. What better way to incorporate that with making him a card?
I have never ever made a proper card before. I bought some nice card from a local shop called 'The Paperlane', I used Stevens card cutter and matt thing (oh technical as ever!) Which again I've never used before but I managed ok-ish! My card is far from perfect and I have no artistic flair but I love it and because I made it Steven is going to be over the moon with it, I just know it. Also I was just blessed with luck as just as I was putting everything away he walked through the door after being at the driving range with his brother.
Ok so I bet your all dying to see my card? Well you can't! Haha only joking of course you guys and dolls can!
I have never ever made a proper card before. I bought some nice card from a local shop called 'The Paperlane', I used Stevens card cutter and matt thing (oh technical as ever!) Which again I've never used before but I managed ok-ish! My card is far from perfect and I have no artistic flair but I love it and because I made it Steven is going to be over the moon with it, I just know it. Also I was just blessed with luck as just as I was putting everything away he walked through the door after being at the driving range with his brother.
Ok so I bet your all dying to see my card? Well you can't! Haha only joking of course you guys and dolls can!
Oh My Goodness
I have had just over 100 page views! I feel overwhelmed and so happy that I actually/slightly/maybe have a small following of people who visit my blog!
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU I feel so proud that my meagre ramblings actually get looked at, at all!
Big big loves to all of you <3 I hope you guys keep coming back :D
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU I feel so proud that my meagre ramblings actually get looked at, at all!
Big big loves to all of you <3 I hope you guys keep coming back :D
11/30 Things that make me go grr
10 pet peeves.
1. Paperwork not getting done.
2. Touching other peoples dirty cutlery it's like just put in the dishwasher!
3. Clothes being left out on the washing line for ages. We bought ourselves a separate airer just because of this.
4. Being spoke over. Butting in is one thing.
5. My husbands ridiculous high standards of everything!
6. The way my brother responds with 'alright' to nearly everything
7. Getting stuck on my xbox! Drives me crackers.
8. Not being able to find things as Steven has moved them to their correct home :/
9. Not being able to make time to see my friends enough.
10. Not having any where to store my snow globe collection, that would show off how many varied ones I have.
1. Paperwork not getting done.
2. Touching other peoples dirty cutlery it's like just put in the dishwasher!
3. Clothes being left out on the washing line for ages. We bought ourselves a separate airer just because of this.
4. Being spoke over. Butting in is one thing.
5. My husbands ridiculous high standards of everything!
6. The way my brother responds with 'alright' to nearly everything
7. Getting stuck on my xbox! Drives me crackers.
8. Not being able to find things as Steven has moved them to their correct home :/
9. Not being able to make time to see my friends enough.
10. Not having any where to store my snow globe collection, that would show off how many varied ones I have.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Collection time!
I was just wondering do any of you have a collection? Something that means everything to you?
I have two. My snowglobe collection and my discworld novels. I love them both so much. Ive recently had to downsize my stuff so my books are no longer on a shelf of their own :'(
This is my snow globe collection. Its not a great photo, but it shows how many I have at a later date I will post better photos of them.
I have two. My snowglobe collection and my discworld novels. I love them both so much. Ive recently had to downsize my stuff so my books are no longer on a shelf of their own :'(
This is my snow globe collection. Its not a great photo, but it shows how many I have at a later date I will post better photos of them.
10/30 embarrassing moment
I am going to be a let down and say I don't think a have a most embarrassing moment. My life is filled with them, as I'm a clutz and I don't always think what I'm about to say through properly.
The one moment that has stuck with me though is back in year 10 I was 14/15 years old and I was sat in the form room at my table with Kirstie and Sarah. Kirstie was a joker she always had been. She had been telling jokes this morning and I was drinking a carton of ribena, she said something hilarious, I choked and my ribena came out of my nose and went all over the table. Well I was mortified didnt stop me laughing though which made it worse. My form tutor Mr Jones or Jonesy Baby as we all named him, walked over looked laughed and passed me tissue and walked off. Even in my end of college book that was noted down damn you ribena!
The one moment that has stuck with me though is back in year 10 I was 14/15 years old and I was sat in the form room at my table with Kirstie and Sarah. Kirstie was a joker she always had been. She had been telling jokes this morning and I was drinking a carton of ribena, she said something hilarious, I choked and my ribena came out of my nose and went all over the table. Well I was mortified didnt stop me laughing though which made it worse. My form tutor Mr Jones or Jonesy Baby as we all named him, walked over looked laughed and passed me tissue and walked off. Even in my end of college book that was noted down damn you ribena!
Thursday, 6 September 2012
beans beans beans
Update on my beans!
They have buds for what I can only guess are to be the flowers before the pods appear! I have 4 at my last count which makes me happy!
9/30 influencial people
Today is 10 people who have influenced my life. In no particular order.
1. My great nana the typical matriachal head of the family, strong, stubborn and independant.
2. My nanna, I lived with her for 5 years, she helped me with alcoholism and depression.
3. My mam, she has shown me to just let go and be yourself around those who love you.
4. My great grandad, he just made me feel so loved and special, he made me realise what I have to say is important.
5. My grandad, when he got cancer, I struggled to visit, when he died I hated myself, so I decided to work in care to help those whose family struggles with it too. So he influenced my career. He also used to be a paramedic.
6. My dad, he always tries to encourage me to aim higher and to study hard.
7. My brother, he is my rock, if I need something he is the one I turn too, he is my shoulder to cry on.
8. Steven, he has shown me true love and support through everything I try to do. He makes me feel.comfortable in my own skin.
9. Cathy, she has shown me you need to tell the world to shove it when your down, get back up stick a smile on and get on with it with a positive mental attitude.
10. My sister, she has shown me I want to be so different from her. I dont want to be likened to her in any way. That maybe horrible but she feels exactly the same way.
1. My great nana the typical matriachal head of the family, strong, stubborn and independant.
2. My nanna, I lived with her for 5 years, she helped me with alcoholism and depression.
3. My mam, she has shown me to just let go and be yourself around those who love you.
4. My great grandad, he just made me feel so loved and special, he made me realise what I have to say is important.
5. My grandad, when he got cancer, I struggled to visit, when he died I hated myself, so I decided to work in care to help those whose family struggles with it too. So he influenced my career. He also used to be a paramedic.
6. My dad, he always tries to encourage me to aim higher and to study hard.
7. My brother, he is my rock, if I need something he is the one I turn too, he is my shoulder to cry on.
8. Steven, he has shown me true love and support through everything I try to do. He makes me feel.comfortable in my own skin.
9. Cathy, she has shown me you need to tell the world to shove it when your down, get back up stick a smile on and get on with it with a positive mental attitude.
10. My sister, she has shown me I want to be so different from her. I dont want to be likened to her in any way. That maybe horrible but she feels exactly the same way.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
8/30 passions! ooo er
5 Passions this should be easy!
1. Making stuff whether it be knitting, baking etc
2. Steven. I love talking about him, he definitly is my better half.
3. Italian food - good italian food, whether it be cooking it or eating it mmmm.
4. Taking photos of stupid things, I dfont do this nearly enough anymore and it makes me sad.
5. Christmas, but only since I got with Steven, before that it was always halloween.
1. Making stuff whether it be knitting, baking etc
2. Steven. I love talking about him, he definitly is my better half.
3. Italian food - good italian food, whether it be cooking it or eating it mmmm.
4. Taking photos of stupid things, I dfont do this nearly enough anymore and it makes me sad.
5. Christmas, but only since I got with Steven, before that it was always halloween.
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
7/30 dream job
Ok I have a couple of dream jobs and then my ideal real job.
My ideal real job is to be a nurse either in elderly mental health or gastroentology. I like caring for people and I believe that I could help make a difference. I work in care at the moment and would like to take it a step further.
Ok so the dream jobs.
I would LOVE to own a 1950s style diner where I would have a jukebox and sell burgers and mikshakes. The jukebox would only play retro music. The colour scheme would be pale green and cream. There would be a bar separating the kitchen from the actual diner and I would have one of those rotary hangers to hold orders and a bell when it's 'up'. I would have shelves of old style sweets in jars on shelves and in those jars with taps like in 'It's a wonderful life'. I would have old style pictures of people, bands on the walls.
The second dream job is to not have a job haha, no but seriously it would to be a complete housewife and I would want to be self sufficient with my veg patch and having chickens. I would knit and bake and hopefully they would be good enough to sell. I would even sell any excess of veg after I had frozen what we would need.
So there you have it dearies my dream jobs.
My ideal real job is to be a nurse either in elderly mental health or gastroentology. I like caring for people and I believe that I could help make a difference. I work in care at the moment and would like to take it a step further.
Ok so the dream jobs.
I would LOVE to own a 1950s style diner where I would have a jukebox and sell burgers and mikshakes. The jukebox would only play retro music. The colour scheme would be pale green and cream. There would be a bar separating the kitchen from the actual diner and I would have one of those rotary hangers to hold orders and a bell when it's 'up'. I would have shelves of old style sweets in jars on shelves and in those jars with taps like in 'It's a wonderful life'. I would have old style pictures of people, bands on the walls.
The second dream job is to not have a job haha, no but seriously it would to be a complete housewife and I would want to be self sufficient with my veg patch and having chickens. I would knit and bake and hopefully they would be good enough to sell. I would even sell any excess of veg after I had frozen what we would need.
So there you have it dearies my dream jobs.
windowsill wonderland!
This is my garden! The tall tendril plant is my borlotti bean plant. The smaller plant is my tomato plant. Cathy gave me it 3 weeks ago as mine died due to my cat knocking them off :'(
I will be adding a new plant which will be a mint plant from my great nana's vegetable plant.
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