Thursday, 6 September 2012

9/30 influencial people

Today is 10 people who have influenced my life. In no particular order.

1. My great nana the typical matriachal head of the family, strong, stubborn and independant.

2. My nanna, I lived with her for 5 years, she helped me with alcoholism and depression.

3. My mam, she has shown me to just let go and be yourself around those who love you.

4. My great grandad, he just made me feel so loved and special, he made me realise what I have to say is important.

5. My grandad, when he got cancer, I struggled to visit, when he died I hated myself, so I decided to work in care to help those whose family struggles with it too. So he influenced my career. He also used to be a paramedic.

6. My dad, he always tries to encourage me to aim higher and to study hard.

7. My brother, he is my rock, if I need something he is the one I turn too, he is my shoulder to cry on.

8. Steven, he has shown me true love and support through everything I try to do. He makes me feel.comfortable in my own skin.

9. Cathy, she has shown me you need to tell the world to shove it when your down, get back up stick a smile on and get on with it with a positive mental attitude.

10. My sister, she has shown me I want to be so different from her. I dont want to be likened to her in any way. That maybe horrible but she feels exactly the same way.

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