Tuesday, 28 August 2012

today today!

Today has been a good day, I have spent the day with my new but very dear friend Cathy. I may not have known her long but we just click like we have always been friends or we have been friends in another life. I do believe were crafty soul mates and I love her lotsly <3

 We have had a day of whining about yes you guessed right men (can they ever do right?) but that's not all! No it isn't we have pottered in her garden I have taken some baaaaad photos of her aspiring vegetable plot in her grandads greenhouse, for her blog (thatcraftypieceofwork.blogspot.co.uk) which I will be emailing along to her shortly! promise! We have been hard at work with knitting and crocheting. I'm in the process of knitting my first ever cable scarf which if I might say so myself is pretty damn awesome!! My nanna had sat there last week with my pattern going knit 4 pearl 5 etc and we decided we weren't winning anything at bingo as it becomes very monotonous bit like calling the numbers at bingo.

This is the pattern:

This is the length now hehe:

She may hate me for this but hey! This is my little babydoll :) with her first red tomato yay! 

I've been a bit down with one thing and another and Cathy has helped me tremendously today I seriously don't think she realises how much her listening, offering solutions and nattering on about her own problems helps me think 'wait a cotton picking minute I don't have to be miserable! I can be the happy person I once was!'

Thats it for tonight me thinks ciao for now

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